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providing nurturing care in a secure and enriching home environment

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Choosing Adventure Patch Family Day Care

Adventure Patch Family Day Care is a great option for your family and child. Family Day Care Educators care for a small group of children in their own home, providing all children with a safe, nurturing environment. 


Adventure Patch Family Day Care Educators are qualified and passionate educators who stand by the philosophy of fun and adventure in childhood. They are passionate about creating the best environment for your child to be nurtured and cared for. Our Educators follow both the Family Day Care philosophy and the Adventure Patch Service philosophy in encouraging learning, based on the individual child’s needs.  

Enquire about Family Day Care for your Child

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for Child Care with Adventure Patch Family Day Care?

Applying for a place with Adventure Patch Family Day Care is easy. Simply fill out the enquiry form or contact the Coordination Unit. Once accepted, the Enrolment registration process will then need to be completed. 


The process consists of:
1. Completing the Enrolment Record for your child;
2. Providing proof of your child’s current immunisation status;
3. Providing the CRN (Centrelink Customer Reference Number) for the parent registered with Centrelink if you wish to claim Government Fee Assistance (Child Care Subsidy).
4. Accept the Enrolment Confirmation
5. Accept the Child Care Subsidy Enrolment through your MYGOV account


Once all the information has been confirmed by Co-Ordination Unit staff with your Educator, your child will be able to commence care with their Family Day Care Educator. 

What Hours are available for care?

Each Eductor sets their own hours. Generally, core hours  are between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and any out of core hours that may be agreed are classified as 6pm – 8am Monday to Friday, weekend care and/or public holidays. Educators charge within the fee parameters set by the service and agree their own hours. 

Educators may require a minimum number of booked hours per day.


If our Educator is sick, what happens?

If an Educator or a member of their family develops an infectious illness, the Educator may not be able to provide care to children during this time. Should this happen, it may be possible to arrange alternate arrangements through the Co-ordination Unit. It is the parent’s responsibility to request replacement care.


Where an Educator is unable to provide care, no charge will be levied as the Educator has been unable to fulfil their responsibilities as outlined in the care contract.

Can I still claim CSS if my child is in Family Day Care?

Care through Adventure Patch Family Day Care is eligible for the Australian Government Child Care Subsidy. 

Individual Child Care Subsidy Assessment queries should be directed to Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50.

What are the Fees?

Adventure Patch Family Day Care sets a fee parameter for all care provided through the service of between $8.50 and $30.00 per hour for all care provided from July 2024 to July 2025.  An administration levy of $2.20 per hour per child applies. This levy is included in your Educator’s hourly rate. Educators fees are within these parameters. 

In consultation with the Educator, parents may choose to either provide adequate meals and drinks for their children, or pay their Educator the agreed amount for meals and snacks provided. Parents must be informed of the meals costs prior to providing meals for children. Please refer to your Educator’s fee schedule.

Do I need to pay if my child cannot attend a day of booked care?

Parents are required to pay in full for absences.


Where applicable, Child Care Subsidy may be paid for absences from care for up to 42 days per financial year. This includes public holidays.


Child Care Subsidy will be paid for absences if:
• Attendance records are correctly completed by the scheme and absences are initialed by the parent;
• Supporting documentation is provided where necessary;
• Parents have paid their usual contribution to the fee.


Where applicable, Child Care Subsidy will NOT be paid when absences occur on the first or last day of care.


The service is entitled to charge full fee for all child absences, including holidays.


Once the initial 42 days absence days have been exhausted, additional absences may be claimed in certain circumstances.

What is included in Family Day Care Fees?

Fees cover all contracted hours and any additional time the child is being educated and cared for by an Educator. Fees do not cover food, nappies, travel, excursions, or late payments.

Does my Child need to be immunised to attend Family Day Care?

Child Care Subsidy can only be paid for children who are fully immunised and meet the immunisation requirements. Conscientious objection and vaccination objection on non-medical grounds will no longer be a valid exemption from immunisation requirements.


The relevant vaccinations are those under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), which covers the vaccines usually administered before age five. These vaccinations must be recorded on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR). Children with medical contraindications or natural immunity for certain diseases will continue to be exempt from the requirements.

An Educator has the right to refuse children who do not have up to date immunisation.


State Government Requirements

The Tasmanian Public Health Act requires the Scheme to keep up-to-date records of the immunisation status of all children registered with the Scheme. Parents must provide immunisation documents that show the child:

• is fully vaccinated for their age; or
• has a medical reason not to be vaccinated; or
• has a conscientious objection, including religious beliefs, to vaccination; or
• is on a recognised catch-up schedule if their child has fallen behind with their vaccinations.


The child cannot be enrolled in the service unless the mandatory documentation is received.

Parents are also required to provide copies of updated immunisation history statements as their child receives further immunisation. Acceptable proof of immunisation includes a copy of your child’s “Blue Book”, a letter from your child’s doctor outlining the immunisations received, or a copy of your child’s immunisation history statement from Medicare.

What if my child has a medical condition?

If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, an allergy or with another ongoing medical condition, you must inform the Educator and service at the time of enrolment (or as soon as the diagnosis is known). Medical Minimisation Plans are filled out in conjunction with the family and educator for medical conditions.

The Educator and Scheme require a current Medical Action Plan that has been developed in consultation with your doctor that sets out both normal medication procedures and an emergency action plan. Children must not attend without required medication and action plans.


Action plans must be maintained as current and reviewed by the child’s doctor yearly.

What Training and Qualifications does an Family Day Care Educator have?

Educators must complete the Service’s recruitment/selection procedure and comprehensive induction and training program. They must comply with the Education and Care Services National Law and Education and Care Services National Regulations and the Service Policies and Procedures at all times.


The Education and Care Services National Regulations allows each Educator to care for a maximum of 7 children under the age of 13, with up to 4 children under school age. The Educators own children are included in these numbers.


Educators are required to:
• Hold an Early Childhood Qualification or be actively working towards one;
• Maintain current First Aid qualifications, including Anaphylaxis and Asthma Management;
• Maintain a current Working with Vunerable People Check;
• Hold Public Liability Insurance for their Family Day Care Business.


Family members over 18 and regular visitors are also required a to hold a current Working with Vunerable People Check.


Educators are expected to participate in ongoing professional development.

Who do I contact if I have a problem or complaint?

We hope your association with our service is a long and positive one but we are realistic enough to realise that communication may break down from time to time for a variety of reasons.


If you have a query or concern you are encouraged to raise the matter first with your Educator. If you are not comfortable with this, or do not achieve the desired outcome we encourage you to contact the Coordination Unit and speak with our Director.


If a solution or satisfaction is still not reached there is a formal complaints procedure which can be followed. A copy of the Complaints Policy can be downloaded below. 

Our Educators

Adventure Patch Family Day Care has Educators across the south of the state. 




New Norfolk






Herdsmans Cove



New Norfolk

My favourite experience with the children would have to be watching their delight in growing their own food patch - growing them from seeds, planting them, watering them and finally picking them to use in their cooking, making all sorts of wonderful concoctions to taste and sharing them with me. My strongest values are to be respectful, warm, supportive, accessible, caring,  patient and to be a good listener.













Lisa M

Lisa M




Bushy Park




Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? I have many memorable moments as an educator which I will cherish for life, and which I hope have shaped and are as equally memorable to the children. But all experiences together have shaped and helped develop my philosophy and programme into what it is today. I look forward to making and sharing more moments that I can add into my 'favourite experiences memory box'.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? Hmmm this is a tricky question because everyone has different values and all should be validated and sometimes as educators we have to set aside our values, in certain holistic situations. Maybe that’s my strongest value? I believe as an Early Childhood Educator, I have an extremely privileged job and children do so much growing and learning in these years they are with me. So it's up to me to get to know each child individually so I can empower, support, comfort, guide, teach & nurture them in the way they as individuals need & require.




Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? I think my favourite experience is watching children learn and understand. When I show an experience or read a book to a child and the next time I look at them or even a week later, they remember the experience and mimic it.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? My strongest values are compassion I think I care for the children in a loving manner and enjoy giving cuddles and love and respect. I also feel that I hold old fashioned values and enjoy teaching the children to respect each other, others and the world around them.






Leslie Vale




I opened Bright Beginnings Family Day Care (Tasmania) as I believe that children need an environment that provides an educational and nurturing experience in which children are inspired to learn and grow to their full potential.  Bright Beginnings Family Day Care (Tasmania) offers an extensive program where it's all about the children.  I believe all children have a voice that we need to respect and value. I encourage a sense of belonging in my home and give all children the opportunity to make respectful and reciprocal relationships with others in a positive way. I support children in their development of autonomy and independence and understand that each child develops differently.




Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? One of my favourite experiences is really just being with the children. I love being in the moment with the children, what ever that moment might be.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? My strongest values as an early childhood educator is that I understand the important role I have as an early childhood educator in helping shape the lives of the children in my care. By providing children with a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment they will thrive. I am passionate about what I do and believe adventures should be found in all things we do.



Austins Ferry







Q: What is your favorite experience with children in care ? 

I have had many beautiful heart warming experiences with my children in care, but I would say my favorite one yet was when the children and I had gone out to the backyard behind the big trees having a picnic, listening to the birds, watching them fly away and observing the birds nests I have in the trees. It was definitely a fun peaceful time for the children and I !

Q: What are your strongest values as an educator: 

My strongest values of being a family day care educator is the way I treat the children I work with. When working with children I am: accountable, Making a difference, Focusing on detail, honest, Keeping promises, helping others, reliable and positive; these are values that I use as an educator and how I will treat your children in




Q: Favourite experience with children in your care?

My favourite experience with children is singing, dancing, reading books and going on excursions with children.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator?

As an early childhood educator, I believe that children learn through play. I will provide opportunities for children to explore, create and imagine.




Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? When you see children learn through their play experience with things that you provide for them, their unique way of sharing with others and the outcomes from these qualities.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? To see all children grow with their ability to learn in their own time. To nurture the start of their future.












White Beach






Bonnet Hill




Philosophy - Children learn through play, through their interactions, relationships and though the opportunities and experiences that they are given.

Children need to feel comfortable, happy, safe and cared for in their child care environment.

Children are respected and valued for the unique individuality regardless of background, ability, interests in a consistent, friendly home like environment.

Children have the right to be heard, the right of choice and the freedom to just be, to become confident learners.

Parent-Educator relationships and communication is an integral part of the developing child and delivering the best social, emotional and educational outcomes for children.



New Norfolk

Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? My favourite experience is learning right alongside with the children and families. I love watching children have positive experiences while learning, exploring and engaging in their world around them. Children help me see things from a whole new perspective; I can teach, support and help them learn, but they do the same for me I AM ALWAYS LEARNING TOO.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? Being able to share their learning journeys with them and their families from young babies, transitioning into school and beyond. Finding ways to help nurture the children communicate and share with the families, learning their culture, sharing their life experiences and helping them working towards their goals. ITS VERY REWARDING BELONGING, BEING AND BECOMING IN FAMILY DAY CARE.



Blackmans Bay

Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? I enjoy observing children being imaginative and creative, merging play and learning together.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? I encourage the children to respect each other, as well be respected and accepted as individuals, where they value diversity and form valuable relationships.






Blackmans Bay

Q: What is your favourite experience with children?

My favorite experience is when a child has a "I did it"moment, their little expressions on their faces just make my day.

Q: Philosophy

I believe each child is an individual and as an educator I will value and develop each child's strength, interests, skills, abilities and knowledge to extend their learning through play experiences. 



Police Point

Q: Favourite experience with children in your care? To see new children evolve and become secure within my environment. Getting to know a child and build lasting friendships, opening up doors to exploring and learning together.

Q: Your strongest values as an early childhood educator? Each child and their family is unique. By showing empathy, compassion, friendship and understanding a journey of learning together can grow. Forest Cottage provides children opportunities to enjoy my values of learning through nature and animals.


See what we’ve been up to across the service!


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Date modified: 11-07-2019

Parent New...

Date modified: 18-12-2019

Parent New...

Date modified: 19-06-2019

Our Policies

Here you’ll find our most commonly used policies. Please contact your Educator or the Coordination Unit for further information on specific policies. 

Parent Handbook


Enquire about Family Day Care

I'm interested in sending my child to Family Day care

Contact Us

Contact the Coordination Unit for Adventure Patch Family Day Care by :

6135 4377


[email protected]

1 Diamond Drive,
Blackmans Bay, 7052
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